Today I effectively had a minor brain wave when considering the
Red Bull Competition. In order to maintain a reality and relatability
to Red Bull in the animation context, I've settled on creating a single
character than can interact with a Red Bull can.
My idea is to have a pigeon (the frowned upon symbols of the
modern world, and a way of conveying the "Gives You Wings") as
a character that interacts with a can laying on it's side on the
pavement. As the pigeon reaches down to take a sip from the Red
Bull can, he will become energised and reinvigorated by the taste,
as he brightens up in the Red Bull colours of red, blue and a dash of
yellow. He will then fly off in to the distance leaving a trail that says
"Gives Me Wings!"
I started sketching my pigeon today (which is planned to be of a
similiar size to the wood pigeon), but will need to gather more wire
to create the body of the character and more plasticine over the
Inspiration comes in Metronomy's video "The Look" which
introduces a pigeon character for a very short amount of time on
screen but to great affect.
I plan for my animation's story to only last around 20/25 seconds,
keeping things nice, short and snappy.
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