What have I learnt?
- The process of rotoscoping
- Human animation
- Stop-frame animation
- Creating and attempting to animate my own armature
- Illustrator basics
- Flash basics
Why did I want to learn it?
- Very interested – to widen knowledge
- Better future platform for illustration
- As a challenge
- Wanted to learn from animations I already admire
How did I learn it?
- Animation workshop
- Emailed production team
- Emailed illustrator
- Emailed animator
- Illustrator tutorial with Simon
- Online Flash tutorials
- Online resource for rotoscoping
- Used camera frame for stop-frame.
Who helped me?
- Frater
- Ashley Dean
- Peer advice
- Crits
Where did I go for help?
- Frater
- Ashley Dean
- Tutors (advice)
Where and why did I struggle?
- Prioritising time and knowing when to finish something
- Moving background (waste of time)
- Being too much of a perfectionist.
- Struggling to find suitable online Flash tutorials
- Arrange to have official permission when filming human animation.
- I need to ask for help more.
Given more time, what could I have changed in my learning journey?
- Approach more people
- Gain a wider knowledge of the regional animation industry
- Gain more contacts from industry knowledge
- Challenging myself to learn Flash from the start of the module
- Learn Flash to a higher level
- Don’t focus on producing pretty work, be fast and brief on techniques
What have I learnt about how I learn?
- I’ am naturally a perfectionist and like intricacy, but for my own benefit I know I’ am capable of escaping this rut
- I’ am patient and prefer to spend time focussed on just one thing
- I’ am shy with technology, but after my introduction with Illustrator my confidence has been restored.
- I’ am an introvert learner, I’ve really enjoyed the independence of my learning journey.
- I’ am naturally ambitious
- I needed to approach this module as a learning journey, not a series of briefs.
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